In Düsseldorf
- First you have to submit your Learning Agreement „During the mobility” so we can check and approve it.
- You also have to register for the new courses, if you haven't already done so.
- Towards the end of the semester, you will have to take care of your exams and certificates for the Transcript of Records.
At the Department of Romance Studies, we are only responsible for academic matters: Learning Agreement, Transcript of Records, etc.
The International Office is responsible for administrative, non-academic matters: enrollment, housing, HHU-Card, etc.
- Winter term: October 30th
- Summer term: April 30th
PS: We recommend that you let us check and sign the document before you send it to your coordinators at your home university, to be sure that you don't have to make any unnecessary changes.
If you want to make changes in the Learning Agreement, submit them by e-mail to Sonia López or through the OLA-Portal, so that we can check and approve your course choice. The same conditions apply for the course selection as for the Learning Agreement “Before the mobility”.
Important: Do not send the updated document before you are really sure about your final course choice, but latest till our deadline.
Usually students have to register online in order to get a proof of performance. Unfortunately, this is technically still not possible for Erasmus students.
Important: Talk to the lecturers at the beginning of the semester about the requirements to get a grade and ECTS in their classes. Inform them in advance about the fact that you won’t be able to register online for the exams and therefore will need a proof of performance/certificate at the end of the semester.
Please also see our FAQ.
At the end of your Erasmus stay we will issue a Transcript of Records listing all courses you have attended and the sum of ECTS you have acquired. We need you to present all the certificates (“Scheine”) gathered during you stay. There is no deadline: We will complete the Transcript as soon as we receive your last certificate (even if you already left Düsseldorf).
- Please send the certificats by email to Sonia López.
We highly recommend that you ask the lecturers to send you the certificates by email. This makes the process easier and faster. - Some lecturers send the certificats directly to Sonia López, in which case we will notify you.
Important: The Transcript of Records only lists the courses that appear on the signed Learning Agreement.