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Until now the debate on the pluricentrality of Spanish has mainly centred around establishing other standards alongside European Spanish and delineating endonormative centres. But what communicative challenges does a pluricentric language present for its speakers? And what factors have an effect on successful pluricentric communication?

Causativity as a semantic property of transitive verbs is both widely cited and controversial. A causative verb denotes an event in which a participant, through their behaviour, causes a change in state of a second participant. This property correlates with other semantic parameters and has an impact on the morphosyntactic behaviour of the verb.

But for which parameters can a relationship actually be shown empirically? What can valency alternations tell us about causativity? And what role does causativity play in the description and analysis of experiencer verbs?

These and further questions will be discussed and their interrelatedness considered as part of the workshop.

You can find the programme here. There is no need to register in advance.

20th/27th January 2021: Vilem Flusser’s nomadic media philosophy – utopia or dystopia for Europe?
Online Workshop on 20th and 27th January 2021 – funded by the French embassy in Berlin

By 1990, on the basis of the French online service Minitel, the media philosopher Vilém Flusser had already foreseen the networked house and the possibility for omnipresent reciprocal communication. According to Flusser, this was the beginning of a new ‘nomadic age’ in which houses connected by media become uninhabitable. In place of ‘possession’ came ‘experience and danger’.

Flusser’s theses should be applied to the present digital transformations. To what extent is the ‘medial nomadism’ a utopia or dystopia? Is it compatible with the ‘communicative culture’ of the European Community? Can this ‘nomadic’ experience of  ‘groundlessness’, as Flusser calls it, be compensated for through digital networks?

Here you can find the programme for the first event on 20th January 2021.

Guests are welcome. It is necessary to register in advance.

On the 3rd and 4th June 2020, a digital study day on Spanish syntax took place in the Spain-Centre of the HHU.

You can find the programme here.